Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Mens Low Carb Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Bodybuilder

Mens Low Carb Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Bodybuilder

  • If you associate building muscle with eating carbs, it's time to flip the script. Keto bodybuilding is both attainable and sustainable, as long as keto works for you.
  • To follow a keto bodybuilding diet, stay within your keto macro ratio—but up your caloric intake. Eat enough protein and fat, and restrict carbohydrates to stay in ketosis.
  • Not sure how to bulk up your keto bodybuilding meal plan? Keep reading for delicious keto meal ideas recommended by nutritionists.

Wondering how to build muscle on keto? Good question. After all, some people think the way to bigger, bulkier biceps means eating a high-carb diet. That line of thinking contradicts the standard keto diet, in which you typically aim for less than 50 grams of net carbs per day.

So, how do you do it? We spoke with Tara Garrison, a trainer, nutritionist and ketogenic diet expert, about keto diet benefits for bodybuilding. Get started with these tips, then check out delicious ideas to bulk up your keto bodybuilding meal plan for muscle gain.

Can you build muscle on keto?

A typical bulking diet is high-carb, and with good reason. Studies have shown that carbohydrate-heavy diets are a backbone of muscle building.[1] So, it might seem counterintuitive to think that you can still build muscle while significantly cutting your carb intake.

In reality, gaining muscle on keto is both attainable and sustainable for many people. With some small tweaks to traditional keto, you can bulk up while eating a high-fat diet. Below, we'll cover key tips and caveats to keep in mind.

Do you lose muscle on keto?

In short, maybe. When you first start out on your keto bodybuilding journey, you might initially lose some muscle and strength—but only temporarily.

If you've been following a carb-heavy diet, your body is used to burning carbs for fuel. On the ketogenic diet, you want to eat the right proportions of food that will put you in ketosis: the metabolic state in which you burn fat for fuel.

It may take a bit of time to transition to using ketones as your new fuel source, and during that transition, your energy and performance in the gym may take a hit.[2] Fortunately, the transition phase is temporary (anywhere from a few days to a week).

Tips for keto bodybuilding success

Person wearing red shoes next to kettlebell

We'll dig into more specific guidelines for a keto bodybuilding diet below. But before you start building muscle, you have to start with a strong foundation so your body is in a place to build muscle first—regardless of the type of diet you follow.

Train for strength

Eating all the steak in the kitchen won't build muscle unless you're putting in the work to stimulate muscle growth.

Broadly speaking, you should follow a strength program with progressive overload—a method of strength training in which you gradually increase the stress placed up on your muscles in order to trigger muscle growth (aka hypertrophy).

How do you trigger hypertrophy? Increase the weight you lift over time, to start. It's a good idea to work with an experienced trainer to develop a well-planned muscle building program that works for you.

"For weightlifting, keto pairs best with strength work, meaning lower rep ranges, heavy weight and longer rest intervals," Garrison says—for example, you might lift three sets of six to eight repetitions of heavy weight with 1-2 minutes rest between sets.

Heads up if you train for muscular endurance and lifting at higher rep ranges, like 12-15 reps per set: Don't be surprised if you gas out when you're first transitioning to keto bodybuilding.

At higher rep ranges, your body converts muscle glycogen into ATP for energy. Glycogen is a form of fast-burning energy from glucose (carbohydrates)—but on keto, you'll have less glycogen available (because…carbs). If this happens to you, try increasing your dietary fat intake to create more available energy for your cells. You can also experiment with upping your carb intake.

Eating well for building muscle on keto

In order to start building muscle on keto, you need to eat more food. That's because your muscles need fuel to grow.

Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means your body uses a lot of energy to maintain those gains. You need to eat more calories so your body has all the nutrients it needs. On the keto diet, your primary energy source comes from your dietary fat intake—but you need to eat enough protein, too.

Protein is the building block of muscle. Without enough protein in your diet, your muscles won't have the material they need to bulk up, and your body won't have the energy it needs to perform optimally. Focus on protein sources that have all nine essential amino acids (think high-protein foods like meat, fish, eggs, as well as supplements like a daily collagen protein for energy).

"Calories in vs. calories out" is a common concept in weight management. We view this model as too simplistic because it ignores the fact that all calories are not created equal. You're going to get more nutritional value out of a plate of grass-fed protein and greens than you would highly processed foods. So, when we say "eat to build muscle," we mean you should focus on eating more nutrient-dense whole foods that agree with your system, and they should be as high-quality as possible.

Prioritizing recovery is key when bodybuilding on keto

Resistance training is stressful, but it's the good kind of stress. Strength training literally tears your muscle fibers. Muscle growth happens when your body repairs that tissue. And like any form of stress, you have to give your body the time, care and nutrients to properly recover.

Chronic stress—whether it's stress from overtraining, lack of sleep or mental overload—can interfere with your regular hormone function, sleep quality and energy. And if you want to trigger muscle growth, you need your body to feel safe and equipped to build metabolically active tissue. Too much stress and your body will stay in fight-or-flight mode, which is bad news if you're looking for fat loss: Stress can cause your body to hold onto body fat, impairing your ability to see results from exercise and feel your best.

How do you prioritize recovery when you're bodybuilding on keto? Eating enough food is one way. But you also want to focus on lifelong habits for overall wellness like drinking plenty of water, getting enough quality sleep and managing your stress. Dieting doesn't work if your body doesn't feel safe and fueled.

Need help unwinding at the end of the day? Here's an easy win: Bulletproof Sleep Gummies combine plant-based melatonin and GABA to help you relax and fall asleep faster.

Keto bodybuilding diet tips

Plate with eggs, greens and avocado

Let's pivot back to keto, specifically. It's possible to build and maintain a strong physique on the keto diet. In fact, studies focusing on resistance training men show that the keto diet can be used to build muscle and burn fat, without interfering with strength performance.[3] [4]

One caveat for women: A 2020 study of 21 strength-trained women found that the keto diet helps burn fat, but may not be as effective in increasing lean body mass.[5] If you're a woman who struggles with building muscle on the keto diet, you may want to experiment with a higher-carb style of eating, like carb cycling or targeted keto, which we'll talk about below.

Generally speaking, keto bodybuilding diet principles still follow the basic guidelines we outlined above, but with a greater emphasis on your macronutrient breakdown—aka the ratio of protein, fats and carbohydrates in your diet.

Eat more of what you already consume

You want to keep carbs low to maintain the fat-burning state of ketosis—but you also want to eat at a caloric surplus to build muscle. We recommend using a food tracker to understand how much food you're actually eating and whether you're hitting your macronutrient goals.

To build muscle on keto, Garrison recommends that at least 30% of your total calories should come from quality proteins like whole, unprocessed animal proteins.

The standard ketogenic macro ratio is 75% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. Garrison recommends a slightly different ratio for keto bodybuilders to create a high-protein keto diet. "Start at 65% fat, 30% protein and 5% carbs, keeping carbs under 20 total grams to begin with the first week, and then slowly titrating up in carbs until you find your optimal level where you feel best while still maintaining ketosis," Garrison says. "Your carbs should mostly be from vegetables."

Treat keto macro ratios as starting points. Diets are incredibly individualized, and you might need to adjust your calorie intake and macro breakdown, depending on how you feel. For instance, if your energy is tanking during your workouts—and you've already gotten through the keto flu—your body might be asking for more energy.

Here are two possible solutions:

  • Eat more quality fats: When you're in ketosis, your body burns fat for fuel. Make sure you're giving your body what it needs with quality fat sources like Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil, which quickly converts into ketone energy and raises ketone levels.
  • Increase your carb intake: If you're dragging and notice your performance is suffering during your workouts, your body might be asking for more carbs. One approach that works well for many people: cyclical keto, in which you follow a low-carb diet most of the week, then have a carb refeed day to replenish your glycogen stores.

Curious about eating more carbs while staying in ketosis? Garrison is a fan of a style of keto called the targeted ketogenic diet, which can help fuel exercise performance and enhance muscle growth.

On targeted keto, you eat 20-30 grams of quality carbohydrates after lifting—possibly even up to 50 grams of carbs for people with very fast metabolisms. "This is best paired with lean protein to create an insulin response that refills muscle glycogen and sends amino acids into the muscles to begin muscle recovery," Garrison says. "Then, eat a normal ketogenic diet for the rest of the day."

Up your protein intake to build muscle on keto

On a keto bodybuilding meal plan, get sufficient protein to increase muscle mass through a process called protein synthesis.[6] A 2011 review of research found that the ideal amount of protein for bodybuilders was 0.82 grams per pound of body weight.[7]

That news might seem surprising if you associate bodybuilding with lifters pounding protein shakes after exercise. In reality, the best way to gain muscle on keto is to aim for a more moderate protein intake and prioritize quality fat.

Finding your ideal protein intake will require some self-experimentation. The "right" amount of protein is different for everyone, depending on factors like your lean muscle mass, weight and gender. As a rule of thumb, start with 0.82 grams per pound of body weight—so if you weigh 150 pounds, you would want to consume at least 123 grams of protein per day.

You might have heard that eating too much dietary protein on a keto diet can actually kick you out of ketosis through a process called gluconeogenesis, in which your body converts protein to sugar. The good news: This issue isn't as significant as once thought, Garrison notes.

Preferably, your protein intake comes from whole foods, and supplementation fills in the gaps. To better understand your protein needs on a keto diet, we like Precision Nutrition's Ultimate Macro Calculator, which has specific recommendations for keto dieters. For a more personalized macro breakdown, connect with a keto nutritionist.

The best keto foods for bodybuilding

If you've dabbled with dirty or clean keto, you already know the quality of your food makes a big difference in how you feel. To support your performance with the best nutrients, we recommend bulking up with the highest-quality sources of fat and protein you can find. Don't forget your nutrient-dense vegetables, too. That means foods like:

  • Grass-fed beef and lamb
  • Pasture-raised eggs
  • Wild-caught fatty fish
  • Grass-fed, undenatured whey protein
  • Pasture-raised pork
  • Grass-Fed Ghee
  • Grass-fed butter
  • MCT oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Grass-fed animal fat
  • Nuts, such as cashews and pistachios
  • Low-carb vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and dark leafy greens

Keto bodybuilding meal plan ideas

Steak, eggs and avocado

But how do you put it all together in a keto bodybuilding meal plan filled with low-carb, high-fat, protein-rich meals? Below, you'll find a sample keto diet meal plan for bodybuilding, based on recommendations by nutritionists. Use this as inspiration and adapt to your dietary needs—for example, hold the cheese and sour cream if you aren't friendly with dairy.


Spinach omelet: 4 large eggs, 1 cup spinach, 1 oz. feta cheese, cooked in 1/2 Tbsp. butter

  • Serves: 1
  • Nutritional information: 418 calories, 31g fat, 31g protein, 3g carbs
  • Macronutrient ratio: 68% fat, 30% protein, 2% carbs

Baked egg bites: 200 grams diced bacon, 2 bunches chopped scallions, 1 rosemary sprig, ½ finely diced zucchini squash, 1 tbsp ghee, 8 pasture-raised eggs, 2 scoops collagen protein

  • Makes: 5 egg bites. We recommend enjoying 2
  • Nutritional information: 182 calories, 10.6g fat, 19g protein, 2.3g carbs
  • Macronutrient ratio: 54% fat, 42% protein, 4% carbs


Taco salad: 2 cups chopped romaine, 8 oz. 85/15% taco-seasoned ground beef, 4 Tbsp. salsa, 1 Tbsp. sour cream, 1/3 cup shredded Mexican-blend cheese

  • Serves: 1
  • Nutritional information:651 calories, 46g fat, 50g protein, 8g carbs
  • Macronutrient ratio:64% fat, 31% protein, 5% carbs

Spicy tuna sushi burrito: ½ cup cubed, raw tuna (sub salmon if concerned about mercury), ¾ cup cooked and chilled cauliflower rice, 1 tsp MCT Oil, ¼ avocado, 1 julienned/thinly sliced cucumber, 2 tsp green onions, 1 tsp sesame seeds, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tsp sriracha, 1 nori (seaweed) sheets

  • Serves: 1
  • Nutritional information: 438 calories, 30g fat, 32g protein, 12g carbs
  • Macronutrient ratio: 42% fat, 20% protein, 8% carbs


Steak and vegetables: 8 oz. New York strip steak, 6 oz. asparagus, 1 Tbsp. butter

  • Serves:1
  • Nutritional information:642 calories, 47g fat, 50g protein, 6g carbs
  • Macronutrient ratio:65% fat, 31% protein, 4% carbs

Lamb burgers: 1 lb. grass-fed ground lamb, ½ cup red onion, 1 crushed garlic clove, 1 tbsp ghee, lettuce leaves to wrap burgers

  • Makes: About 6 burger patties
  • Nutritional information per burger patty: 237 calories, 20g fat, 13g protein, 1g carbs
  • Macronutrient ratio: 76% fat, 22% protein, 2% carbs

Keto diet recipes for bodybuilding

Looking for more ideas? Here are a few of our favorite high-protein Bulletproof recipes. Many of these recipes work well for keto meal prep, which makes it that much easier to stick to your keto bodybuilding diet.

  • Bulletproof Breakfast Buddha Bowl
  • Chocolate Coconut Keto Smoothie Bowl
  • Bacon and Zucchini Muffins
  • Keto Chopped Salad With Quick Creamy Dressing
  • Broccoli Leek Protein Bowl With Salmon
  • Seared Steak With Ghee
  • Slow-Cooked Lamb Barbacoa
  • Keto Shrimp Scampi


You've been wanting to try keto, but you're worried the diet might negatively impact your muscle gain or strength. Rest assured that people can still follow the keto diet for muscle gain. Remember, a solid bodybuilding routine is only part of the picture. Make sure your body is in a place to bulk by building a strong foundation for strength: up your calories, pay close attention to your macros and prioritize sleep and recovery.

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          This article was originally written by Julie Hand. It was recently updated by Rebecca Paredes.        

Mens Low Carb Fat Burning Diet Meal Plan Bodybuilder



Kamis, 09 Desember 2021

Rectangle Dining Set

Rectangle Dining Set

Dining Tables

Kendall Bar Table

Kendall Dining Table

Dining Tables

What makes the perfect dining table? It's a combination of great looks, excellent quality and a style that suits the room it's in. You also have to consider how you use it. Do you regularly entertain large groups of friends and family members, or is it mainly just yourself or a couple who dine at it? That will determine the size kitchen table you need. Once you've gone through all these factors, it's relatively easy to zero in on a dining table from Dunelm – especially as the first two are guaranteed when you buy from us.

Modern homes with contemporary decor almost always benefit from a modern dining table. Right now it's all about light shades, shiny surfaces and perfectly straight edges. It's a look that fits perfectly with the modern dwelling, especially those that have multiple light sources, as the shiny, reflective surfaces come to life when illuminated. Also very popular are glass-topped dining tables. They are either framed in tubular metal – often, but not always, chrome – or based on a wooden frame. A particular favourite is the criss-cross wooden stand, like a starburst holding up the glass top – it's utterly stunning and among our best sellers.

If you're looking for something more traditional, you can't go wrong with a heavy oak or pine dining table. There's something satisfying about the thud of a food-laden plate against these sonorous tabletops that gets the appetite going, and with a good quality wooden dining table, it's a sensation that's yours every time you use it. We've got plenty of wooden tables in a variety of styles, so have a good look and you'll find the one that suits your dining room.

Extending dining tables are great too and could be the answer to your "which size?" dilemma. It can be a small table when it's just you and your family eating, but once guests come or if you're laying on a buffet, it instantly becomes a large kitchen table, which is the perfect way to have an entertaining table without it taking up too much room when it's not in use.

There are many more types of dining table, with subtle differences and lovely features, all throughout our collection. Pair it up with some fantastic chairs and you've got a table that can make every meal that little bit more memorable, whether you're on your own or surrounded by laughter, great food and conversation.

Rectangle Dining Set



Selasa, 07 Desember 2021

Patio Dining Table Cover With Umbrella Hole

Patio Dining Table Cover With Umbrella Hole

I love working on home furniture and like giving tips to others.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

 Our new 4'x8' table that seats 8–10.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

I remember we bought our 6-foot pine table when our first child was born. It seemed enormous to us! Two young people and a tiny baby, why did we buy so big?

Well, roll on another 16 years and not only are there more kids, but they are huge and their friends are huge and, quite frankly, that enormous 6-foot table became way too small!

I looked into new tables. But with three active boys, I didn't want something so fine that I'd always be fretting about glass marks, spills, and scratches. I also didn't particularly want to drop a grand or two on a piece of furniture.

But we found a solution for a beautiful new table that is so easy and inexpensive, it's just ridiculous!

Make Your Existing Table Bigger With a 4' x 8' Board

Simply overlay your existing table with a larger board that has an attractive veneer on one face—this is birch. Stain and gloss the top to match the existing legs (or stain and gloss the legs too like we did).

The entire project including stain and gloss came in under $100, plus a few hours of my time. Five years down the road, it's still serving us well. And we have not outgrown it!


Materials Needed

  • 1 4' x 8' plywood board (with veneer on one side)
  • 4 lengths of wood, each 1" x 1" x 2' long
  • 2 short pieces of wood, 4" x 1" x 1"
  • 2 2" nails
  • wood edging tape (see link below)
  • wood glue
  • wood stain and wood gloss of your choice
The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

You'll need four struts of wood approximately 1" x 1" x 2'.

The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

How to Make Your Dining Room Table Bigger With a 4' x 8' Board

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Decide on the Right Size

Choose how large you want your table to be. (Keep in mind that it must work proportionally with your existing table's legs.) The boards are sold 4' x 8', but you can ask to have it cut down if you want it smaller.

Note: You must get a board that has a veneer (such as birch) on one side.

Step 2: Glue Wood to the Underside of Your Board

Now take your four 2' lengths of wood and glue them to the underside (non-veneer side) of your board in an open rectangle so that when the board is laid on top of the table, the table will fit reasonably snugly. It doesn't have to be a tight fit, a little space OK to prevent slippage. Measure carefully because you want it set on straight. (See diagram.)

Step 3: Nail the Struts

Take the two 2" nails and nail the two 4" struts to the center of each of the two long struts running along the two longer edges of the board. (See diagram at right.) This will allow you to pivot each small strut and "lock" the board onto the table so that it cannot be tipped up accidentally. You will need to look carefully at your own table and think this through, making any adjustments necessary, as every table is different.

Step 4: Measure the Board and Apply Wood Edging Tape

Place the board on the table, veneer side up, and measure the total edge of your board. Apply the wood edging tape, following the manufacturer's directions. (This is usually a process that involves ironing on the tape in order to dissolve the pre-applied adhesive.)

Step 5: Stain and Gloss the Board

Transform your board and its new wood trim with a beautiful wood stain of your choosing. Again keep in mind the look and color of the existing table's legs. Can you stain those to match? We did! When you are happy with the color, finish it with two coats of polyurethane, gloss, or semi-gloss, again your choice of finish. (You can also buy stain and gloss all-in-one to save time.)

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

A small 4" piece of wood pivots to "lock" the board onto the old table.

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on May 02, 2012:

Thanks for the comments, everybody!

Good point, Marcy (that I probably should have made myself!) that this larger tabletop can be added and taken away as needed. Always good to have that option for larger groups.

Read More From Dengarden

ANd yes, Cyndi10, the ever-shrinking desk (like my ever-shrinking jeans...), I'm sure it would work well for this too.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing, janikon and summerberrie!

summerberrie on May 02, 2012:

poowool5, this is such a great hub for how to expand your table. I really enjoyed reading it and the do it yourself pictures were perfect!

janikon on May 02, 2012:

Very clever and inexpensive idea. Voted up and shared.

Cynthia B Turner from Georgia on May 02, 2012:

Clever, Clever idea. You took a lot of time with those instructions, too. Maybe something similar would work on my desk which seems to be shrinking! Good hub.

Marcy Goodfleisch from Planet Earth on May 02, 2012:

I cracked up at your "Doesn't that apron make me look fat?" comment!

Seriously - I love this hub! I've been trying to figure a way to 'expand' my petite dining table that's bigger on looks than on function. I hadn't thought of adding the underside braces to make a false top more stable. I would probably use it now and then (rather than all the time), but I sure do need it when I need it.

Voted up, useful, awesome and interesting! And shared!

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on April 28, 2012:

Whoops, sorry to be late getting back to your question, PJ. I bought the plywood from our local old-fashioned lumber store, the kind with a lumberyard out back. I am surprised Lowes didn't sell these. Perhaps try calling a few places to ask in advance so you don't have wasted trips. Hope you can locate it. What I smugly enjoy most is the comments of my friends with expensive tastes as they admire it, not realizing it didn't cost me an arm and a leg!

PJ on April 18, 2012:

Great idea! This is JUST what I was looking for. Thanks so much for sharing! One question - where did you buy your plywood board? I checked my local home improvement store (Lowe's) but didn't come across any with a veneer on one side. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful idea!

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 31, 2012:

Thanks for the comment, Robie. You know, for little money, it really can give a table a new lease of life. I didn't think we would keep it for so long, but it still looks good after years of daily use, so you know, if it ain't broke...

Today we dyed Easter eggs right on the table, no protective newspaper etc...guess not much gets through a couple coats of polyurethane, because it didn't affect the table at all. And that's what I need with three boys...ROBUST furniture ;)

Thanks for the comment!

Robie Benve from Ohio on March 31, 2012:

Great idea! I have an old table that on top of being small, has some water damage, we keep it in the (non-used) dining room for the kid's homework, and this plywood board treatment may be just what it needs. Thanks for sharing, and I love the pictures, very helpful! Ciao

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 12, 2012:

Thanks Steph and Jennifer. I thought either it would wear down or I'd tire of it by now, but not so (pic above is current, ie. 5 years after making it)!

jenniferg78 from Philadelphia, PA on March 12, 2012:

This is a great idea and the picture illustration are really helpful. +useful

Stephanie Marshall from Bend, Oregon on March 11, 2012:

Great idea and totally rated up! I have 4 kids and it seems like the table is never big enough. Then, if any of my friends come over with their kids... ugh! Nice tips and easy to do. Rated up - Steph

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 11, 2012:

Thanks Lizam1. The board is only 3/4" thick, so, yes, the table would be higher, but only by 3/4". Not really noticeable.

Lizam1 on March 10, 2012:

Nice idea - one question does laying the board on top make the table an odd height?

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 10, 2012:

Thanks for commenting, Liz! Sometimes it's the simple things that have the biggest impact!

lizlauder from Western New York on March 10, 2012:

This is such a great idea! And it looks beautiful.

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 10, 2012:

Thanks cloverleaffarm, anything to save a few bucks, right? Actually, I find it hugely satisfying to pull off a DIY job like this. A little domestic pride :)

Healing Herbalist from The Hamlet of Effingham on March 10, 2012:

Great job on both the hub, and the table. Voted up and useful!

Patio Dining Table Cover With Umbrella Hole



Dining Table Support Legs

Dining Table Support Legs

I love working on home furniture and like giving tips to others.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

 Our new 4'x8' table that seats 8–10.

Our old 6' x 3' table that seated six.

I remember we bought our 6-foot pine table when our first child was born. It seemed enormous to us! Two young people and a tiny baby, why did we buy so big?

Well, roll on another 16 years and not only are there more kids, but they are huge and their friends are huge and, quite frankly, that enormous 6-foot table became way too small!

I looked into new tables. But with three active boys, I didn't want something so fine that I'd always be fretting about glass marks, spills, and scratches. I also didn't particularly want to drop a grand or two on a piece of furniture.

But we found a solution for a beautiful new table that is so easy and inexpensive, it's just ridiculous!

Make Your Existing Table Bigger With a 4' x 8' Board

Simply overlay your existing table with a larger board that has an attractive veneer on one face—this is birch. Stain and gloss the top to match the existing legs (or stain and gloss the legs too like we did).

The entire project including stain and gloss came in under $100, plus a few hours of my time. Five years down the road, it's still serving us well. And we have not outgrown it!


Materials Needed

  • 1 4' x 8' plywood board (with veneer on one side)
  • 4 lengths of wood, each 1" x 1" x 2' long
  • 2 short pieces of wood, 4" x 1" x 1"
  • 2 2" nails
  • wood edging tape (see link below)
  • wood glue
  • wood stain and wood gloss of your choice
The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

You'll need four struts of wood approximately 1" x 1" x 2'.

The unfinished 8' x 4' plywood board.

How to Make Your Dining Room Table Bigger With a 4' x 8' Board

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Decide on the Right Size

Choose how large you want your table to be. (Keep in mind that it must work proportionally with your existing table's legs.) The boards are sold 4' x 8', but you can ask to have it cut down if you want it smaller.

Note: You must get a board that has a veneer (such as birch) on one side.

Step 2: Glue Wood to the Underside of Your Board

Now take your four 2' lengths of wood and glue them to the underside (non-veneer side) of your board in an open rectangle so that when the board is laid on top of the table, the table will fit reasonably snugly. It doesn't have to be a tight fit, a little space OK to prevent slippage. Measure carefully because you want it set on straight. (See diagram.)

Step 3: Nail the Struts

Take the two 2" nails and nail the two 4" struts to the center of each of the two long struts running along the two longer edges of the board. (See diagram at right.) This will allow you to pivot each small strut and "lock" the board onto the table so that it cannot be tipped up accidentally. You will need to look carefully at your own table and think this through, making any adjustments necessary, as every table is different.

Step 4: Measure the Board and Apply Wood Edging Tape

Place the board on the table, veneer side up, and measure the total edge of your board. Apply the wood edging tape, following the manufacturer's directions. (This is usually a process that involves ironing on the tape in order to dissolve the pre-applied adhesive.)

Step 5: Stain and Gloss the Board

Transform your board and its new wood trim with a beautiful wood stain of your choosing. Again keep in mind the look and color of the existing table's legs. Can you stain those to match? We did! When you are happy with the color, finish it with two coats of polyurethane, gloss, or semi-gloss, again your choice of finish. (You can also buy stain and gloss all-in-one to save time.)

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

A small 4" piece of wood pivots to "lock" the board onto the old table.

Struts hold the board in place on the old table (viewed from below).

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on May 02, 2012:

Thanks for the comments, everybody!

Good point, Marcy (that I probably should have made myself!) that this larger tabletop can be added and taken away as needed. Always good to have that option for larger groups.

Read More From Dengarden

ANd yes, Cyndi10, the ever-shrinking desk (like my ever-shrinking jeans...), I'm sure it would work well for this too.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing, janikon and summerberrie!

summerberrie on May 02, 2012:

poowool5, this is such a great hub for how to expand your table. I really enjoyed reading it and the do it yourself pictures were perfect!

janikon on May 02, 2012:

Very clever and inexpensive idea. Voted up and shared.

Cynthia B Turner from Georgia on May 02, 2012:

Clever, Clever idea. You took a lot of time with those instructions, too. Maybe something similar would work on my desk which seems to be shrinking! Good hub.

Marcy Goodfleisch from Planet Earth on May 02, 2012:

I cracked up at your "Doesn't that apron make me look fat?" comment!

Seriously - I love this hub! I've been trying to figure a way to 'expand' my petite dining table that's bigger on looks than on function. I hadn't thought of adding the underside braces to make a false top more stable. I would probably use it now and then (rather than all the time), but I sure do need it when I need it.

Voted up, useful, awesome and interesting! And shared!

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on April 28, 2012:

Whoops, sorry to be late getting back to your question, PJ. I bought the plywood from our local old-fashioned lumber store, the kind with a lumberyard out back. I am surprised Lowes didn't sell these. Perhaps try calling a few places to ask in advance so you don't have wasted trips. Hope you can locate it. What I smugly enjoy most is the comments of my friends with expensive tastes as they admire it, not realizing it didn't cost me an arm and a leg!

PJ on April 18, 2012:

Great idea! This is JUST what I was looking for. Thanks so much for sharing! One question - where did you buy your plywood board? I checked my local home improvement store (Lowe's) but didn't come across any with a veneer on one side. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful idea!

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 31, 2012:

Thanks for the comment, Robie. You know, for little money, it really can give a table a new lease of life. I didn't think we would keep it for so long, but it still looks good after years of daily use, so you know, if it ain't broke...

Today we dyed Easter eggs right on the table, no protective newspaper etc...guess not much gets through a couple coats of polyurethane, because it didn't affect the table at all. And that's what I need with three boys...ROBUST furniture ;)

Thanks for the comment!

Robie Benve from Ohio on March 31, 2012:

Great idea! I have an old table that on top of being small, has some water damage, we keep it in the (non-used) dining room for the kid's homework, and this plywood board treatment may be just what it needs. Thanks for sharing, and I love the pictures, very helpful! Ciao

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 12, 2012:

Thanks Steph and Jennifer. I thought either it would wear down or I'd tire of it by now, but not so (pic above is current, ie. 5 years after making it)!

jenniferg78 from Philadelphia, PA on March 12, 2012:

This is a great idea and the picture illustration are really helpful. +useful

Stephanie Marshall from Bend, Oregon on March 11, 2012:

Great idea and totally rated up! I have 4 kids and it seems like the table is never big enough. Then, if any of my friends come over with their kids... ugh! Nice tips and easy to do. Rated up - Steph

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 11, 2012:

Thanks Lizam1. The board is only 3/4" thick, so, yes, the table would be higher, but only by 3/4". Not really noticeable.

Lizam1 on March 10, 2012:

Nice idea - one question does laying the board on top make the table an odd height?

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 10, 2012:

Thanks for commenting, Liz! Sometimes it's the simple things that have the biggest impact!

lizlauder from Western New York on March 10, 2012:

This is such a great idea! And it looks beautiful.

poowool5 (author) from here in my house on March 10, 2012:

Thanks cloverleaffarm, anything to save a few bucks, right? Actually, I find it hugely satisfying to pull off a DIY job like this. A little domestic pride :)

Healing Herbalist from The Hamlet of Effingham on March 10, 2012:

Great job on both the hub, and the table. Voted up and useful!

Dining Table Support Legs



Senin, 06 Desember 2021

Dining Table Leg Size

Dining Table Leg Size

Price and other details may vary based on product size and colour.

Sponsored Ad – [HLC] 2 x Industrial Trapezium Bench Legs - Surface Conditioned Steel, Precision Laser Cut, TIG Welded with...

Sponsored Ad – Table Legs Set of 2, Heavy Duty Industrial Square DIY Furniture Table Legs Coffee Table Legs with Screws fo...

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Sponsored Ad – [HLC] 4 x Heavy Duty Hairpin Table Legs – Superior Double Steel Welding with Free Screws, Build Guide & Pro...

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Sponsored Ad – 4Pcs Hairpin Table Legs Heavy Duty DIY Furniture Metal Table Legs with Free Screws & Protector Feet - Stabl...

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Nisorpa Square Table Legs Metal Black Industrial Dining Coffee Frame Table Legs Solid Steel DIY Office Furniture Support F...

4 x Hairpin Legs from DT IRONCRAFT - 71cm 3 Rod / 10mm, Black Colour with Floor Protector Feet & Screws - Standard Desk, D...

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[HLC] 4 x Hairpin Table Legs – Superior Double Weld Steel Construction with Screws, Build Guide & Protector Feet Worth £8 ...

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2 Pcs Metal Table Legs, Heavy Duty Industrial Desk Legs, Black Furniture Legs for Home Office Dining, DIY Cast Iron Bench ...

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[HLC] 2 x Industrial Trapezium Table Legs - Surface Conditioned Steel, Precision Laser Cut, TIG Welded with Free Screws, B...

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Hartleys Industrial Square Table Legs - Choice of Size and Colour

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